Fourth World Action - reaching the unreached!

Fourth World Action is a small initiative trying to bring about a change in the social trends which sustain poverty and injustice. Its aim is,
  • to create a greater understanding of the lives of the poor.
  • to support projects initiated by committed local professionals.
  • to promote simple and practical steps to make a difference in the Fourth World.
Our long and close experience in the field shows that the ‘experts’, governmental or non-governmental, are far removed from the lives of the very poor. Development has become a sophisticated business; usually a great deal of resources are wasted and poor communities are often ignored and bypassed.
Fourth World Action encourages working alongside social activists and committed individuals who are not caught up in this ‘business’.

Health care - for the poor, by the poor
Fourth World Action supports a community health project, Ekta Niketan, in Jharkhand, India where primary health care has not reached the poor villages.

The project is run by the villagers themselves; they run a tuberculosis programme, treat common illnesses and carry out health promotion. For more information,
Ekta Niketan.
Fourth World Action needs your active support.
If you would like to find out more about the work,
please write to us.